Lyn Weeks Patterns

#1 Amanda Tucked Heirloom LADIES Blouse, size 8-18 "

Every woman's wardrobe should include a crisp linen blouse with just enough "heirloom" detailing to make it feminine. This blouse is equally at home with a pair of denim jeans or a classic tailored straight skirt, which means it may spend more time out of your closet than in it! Short and long sleeve versions, button down the front, tucks, embroidery and lace insertion."

#2 Bronwyn Dolman Sleeve Ladies Blouse:

A Dolman sleeve blouse is a nice addition to any woman's wardrobe. It is simple to construct, easy to wear but still allows you to incorporate some elegant details to make it special. Size 8-18 all in one package.

#6 Melanie size Ladies 4-22

Round yoke heirloom nightgown...if pampering products like rose water, aromatherapy, and herbal tea and the pleasures that help you wind down after a hectic day, take these little indulgences a step further by slipping into something utterly elegant. An heirloom nightgown is the crowning comfort. The round yoke works up beautifully in a selection of laces and embroideries, or perhaps with the inclusion of hand embroidery or tucks on inserted fabric. For a last-minute gift, this design would look just as pretty if made with gathers on both the front and back instead of the smocking.

#3 Delicate Daydreams Christening Gown, Daygown and Petticoat

Size 3mo to 18mo all in one envelope. Sweet and simple is always best when it comes to baby. Using inspiration from an antique baby dress, tucks and shaped lace have been joined to form a very pretty, yet simple, yoke effect on this little gown that hangs comfortable from the shoulders and buttons down the back for easy dressing. The patterns incorporates inverted underarm pleat that adds fullness to the garment and a choice of sleeves--long, puffed or tailored.

#4 Edwardian Baby Daygown and Petticoat, sz 3-12mo.

There is nothing more exciting than finding an old garment and studying the detail to create something new. Using our needlework talents we provide a link to the past and an heirloom for the future. The original Edwardian daygown was found dirty, wrinkled and in need of repair at a flea market in Illinois. It was clearly homemade using cheap fabric, with seams that did not hang straight and a yoke that did not sit correctly around the neckline. But it had a charm which reminds us of an era when mothers sewed for their children not only to save money, but for the love of creating something to be admired and passed on to the next generation.

The pattern for reproducing this garment incorporates an inverted underarm pleat that adds fullness to the garment and a  long sleeve, the style of which dates back to the nineteenth century. During this time period the underarm seam was positioned towards the front of the sleeve. It is not evident as to whether moving this seam forward was to reduce the bulk of fabric formed by the seam and the pleat sitting together, or to create a better hang to the sleeve. Whatever the reason, it has been reproduced on this garment to maintain authenticity.

#5 Frannie size 6mos to 4yr:

One of the most inspiring moments is to find a vintage garment, perhaps homemade and very well worn, and know that loving stitches were applied to this garment. Children's garments from the early part of the twentieth century have just such appeal, being creative in design but without the lavish use of expensive trim and embellishment.

Frannie, an adaptation of a 1930's garment, has been drafted to reflect this simplicity. The curved curved front yoke which incorporates a small sleeve cap to protect delicate shoulders from the sun, buttons at the back and is piped to highlight the design line. The neckline can be embellished with a binding only or may include your choice of collar style. The skirt can be smocked or left unsmocked, with the  added feature of one of the included pocket styles. It is a little summer dress that can be left fairly plain, or stitched to incorporate your favorite heirloom techniques.

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Creative Smocking | 910 S.E. Wilson Avenue STE B-1, Bend, OR 97702 | 1-800-424-2232, Fax (541)-383-8908