Ordering Info

How do I place an wholesale order?

E-Mail: orders@smocking.com
Call us in the U.S. toll free: 1-800-424-2232
Outside of U.S.: (541)383-0492
Fax: (541)383-8908
Or send your order in the mail. If you are new to us, send or fax us a
COPY of your business license, sales tax permit and if youíd like a catalog, include a check or your Visa/MasterCard/American Express card for $5.

What are the order requirements?

The first order must be a minimum of $50, reorders are $25. Any quantity per item is fine. All orders must be prepaid either by UPS COD (UPS COD Fee is $5--goes to them, not us, inaddition to the UPS shipping charges, Visa, Master Card or American Express or check. We do not take Discovery at this time. 30-day net credit is available.

Upon return of our Credit App, 30-day net credit is allowed. 30-day net is strictly enforced. Unpaid 30-day net accounts are shipped COD. Further abuse of your 30-day net account will result in collection or denial of future 30-day net orders.

Attention Shops!  To place an order from our website please use our new wholesale order form

When can I expect my order to arrive?

My Mother-in-Law once said that sometimes you just have to tell people what you do for them! We bend over backwards for you. It is our goal everyday to get all orders out the same day received, assuming we receive it before the UPS man arrives at 4:00 pm or the US MAILMAN at 5:30 pm. If you ask us to ship NEXT DAY AIR, SECOND DAY AIR or THRID DAY AIR we drop everything and you automatically BUMP all orders waiting--you're paying for that extra service, so it's important to us that you get it. Many a day we make a trip to UPS after UPS has picked up, just so we can get more orders out and on their way to you. We really, really do go ourt of our way for you. We hope you appreciate it, we know we are many UPS days away from some of you--"always the extra inch to give you the extra mile". UPS can also track your packages in a flash, so both of us know exactly where your package is and when it will arrive.

Priority Mail via U.S. Mail

We try to send as many orders PRIORITY MAIL as possible, as the goal of the post office is 2-3 day delivery and the cost is minimal. Orders 5-lbs or less ALWAYS go Priority Mail, orders over 6-lbs go UPS due to the shipping cost. However, Priority Mail is usually less expensive that UPS 2nd DAY AIR and UPS 3rd DAY AIR--keep that in mind and consider the couple of extra dollars to have your order arrive a little sooner by using Priority Mail over UPS.

But what if I'm not a Shop?

That's OK. Check out the list of RETAIL LINKS for the shops doing business with us, where you will find many of our supplies, and if not, they'll be happy to special order for you.

Creative Smocking | 910 S.E. Wilson Avenue STE B-1, Bend, OR 97702 | 1-800-424-2232, Fax (541)-383-8908